A report by a committee of MPs said that the policing operation to tackle the summer 2011 riots across English cities had been 'flawed': the perception that in some areas police had lost control of the streets was the most important reason why disorder had spread.
Source: Policing Large Scale Disorder: Lessons from the disturbances of August 2011, Sixteenth Report (Session 2010-12), HC 1456, House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, TSO
Links: Report | Oral and written evidence | Additional written evidence | ACPO press release | Police Federation press release | BBC report | Guardian report | Telegraph report
Date: 2011-Dec
The police service inspectorate said that suggestions of endemic failings in police integrity were 'not borne out by the evidence'. However, the police service needed to do more in order to safeguard its impartiality and, just as importantly, the public perception of its impartiality. There was a worrying lack of controls in some areas: police forces and authorities should institute robust systems to ensure that they identified the risks arising from relationships, information disclosure, gratuities, hospitality, contracting, and secondary employment.
Source: Without Fear or Favour: A review of police relationships, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
Links: Report | HMIC press release | Hansard | ACPO press release | APA press release | Police Federation press release | Public Finance report
Date: 2011-Dec
An article examined attempts by the European Union to increase co-operation between the law enforcement agencies of member states, and the granting of new powers to the European Police Office (Europol) and other intelligence-sharing institutions.
Source: Stephen Anthony Rozee, 'The European Union as a comprehensive police actor', Journal of Contemporary European Research, Volume 7 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Dec
The police service inspectorate said that the police needed to be better prepared, trained, and ready to protect the public if they were to improve upon their response to public disorder in English cities in August 2011.
Source: The Rules of Engagement: A review of the August 2011 disorders, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
Links: Report | Hansard | ACPO press release | Cardifff University press release | Police Federation press release | Guardian report | Public Finance report
Date: 2011-Dec
An article examined how far the European Union's commitment to democracy, accountability, and transparency was actually fulfilled with respect to its efforts at fighting terrorism, by drawing on the example of the activities of the European Police Office (Europol).
Source: Claudia Hillebrand, 'Guarding EU-wide counter-terrorism policing: the struggle for sound parliamentary scrutiny of Europol', Journal of Contemporary European Research, Volume 7 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Dec
The coalition government announced that a new police professional body would be set up to support police officers at all ranks and civilian policing professionals. The new body would take responsibility for developing professional skills and leadership in the police service. The National Policing Improvement Agency would be phased out.
Source: New Landscape of Policing (Government Response to the Fourteenth Report of the Home Affairs Committee), Cm 8223, Home Office, TSO
Links: Report | Hansard | Home Office press release | Labour Party press release
Date: 2011-Dec
Three linked briefing papers examined the impact of residential design on rates of crime.
Source: Rachel Armitage, The Impact of the Design and Layout of Car Parking on Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour, Design Council | Rachel Armitage, The Impact of Connectivity and Through-Movement within Residential Developments on Levels of Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour, Design Council | Rachel Armitage, Assessing the Impact of Residential Design on Crime: A Guide to Conducting Case Studies, Design Council
Links: Paper (1) | Paper (2) | Paper (3) | Design Council press release
Date: 2011-Dec
A report said that 55 per cent of people reported having seen a police officer or police community support officer on foot patrol at least once a month in 2010-11, up from 38 per cent in 2006-07. 52 per cent were confident that the relevant authorities were effective at reducing anti-social behaviour.
Source: Debbie Moon and John Flatley (eds.), Perceptions of Crime, Engagement with the Police, Authorities Dealing with Antisocial Behaviour and Community Payback: Findings from the 2010/11 British Crime Survey, Statistical Bulletin 18/11, Home Office
Links: Bulletin | Home Office press release | ACPO press release
Date: 2011-Nov
An article examined the coalition government's proposal to replace police authorities with directly elected police and crime commissioners. Replacing an authority with a single person possessing considerable powers over policing posed 'significant dangers', including the potential to politicize the police.
Source: Peter Joyce, ' Police reform: from police authorities to police and crime commissioners', Safer Communities, Volume 10 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Oct
The coalition government began consultation on greater police powers to tackle public disorder, including powers to remove face coverings and additional curfew powers.
Source: Consultation on Police Powers to Promote and Maintain Public Order, Home Office
Links: Consultation document | Home Office press release
Date: 2011-Oct
An article examined announcements by the coalition government concerning a shift in policing priorities and the delivery of policing services in England and Wales. It considered their potential impact on the relationships between community, partnerships, and police.
Source: Geoff Coliandris, Colin Rogers, and James Gravelle, 'Smoke and mirrors, or a real attempt at reform?', Policing, Volume 5 Number 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Sep
A new book brought together a number of essays on policing, the mass media, and the 'neo-liberal transformation' of criminal justice.
Source: Robert Reiner, Policing, Popular Culture and Political Economy: Towards a social democratic criminology, Ashgate Publications
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Sep
The Scottish Government began consultation on proposals to create a single police service for Scotland.
Source: Keeping Scotland Safe and Strong: A consultation on reforming police and fire and rescue services in Scotland, Scottish Government
Links: Consultation document | Outline business case | Scottish Government press release
Date: 2011-Sep
A report by a committee of MPs said that it was 'unacceptable' that, more than a year after the coalition government had announced the phasing out of the National Policing Improvement Agency, it still had not announced any definite decisions about the future of the vast majority of the functions performed by the Agency. Plans for wider police reform should be deferred as a result of this and other failures to take key decisions.
Source: New Landscape of Policing, Fourteenth Report (Session 2010-12), HC 939, House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, TSO
Links: Report | Additional written evidence | Police Federation press release | Guardian report
Date: 2011-Sep
The Independent Police Complaints Commission published an initial report on its experience of corruption within the police service in England and Wales.
Source: Corruption in the Police Service in England and Wales: Part 1, Independent Police Complaints Commission
Links: Report | IPCC press release
Date: 2011-Sep
A think-tank report said that police forces across England and Wales had wasted over half a billion pounds in the previous 4 years by failing to 'civilianize' thousands of back-office posts – instead filling them with fully trained police officers.
Source: Edward Boyd, Rory Geoghegan, and Blair Gibbs, Cost of the Cops: Manpower and deployment in policing, Policy Exchange
Links: Report | ACPO press release | Unite press release | BBC report | Telegraph report
Date: 2011-Sep
A new book examined the roles, values, and attitudes of chief police officers – their background, how they were selected, what they thought of those who held them to account, and their views on issues such as a national police force.
Source: Bryn Caless, Policing at the Top: The roles, values and attitudes of chief police officers, Policy Press
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Sep
A new book examined the economics of crime. It looked at the impact of the labour market and poverty on crime; whether criminal activity could be reduced through economic disincentives; the forms of crime reduction and methods of reducing reoffending that were most cost-beneficial; and whether illicit organized crime and illicit drug markets could be understood better through the application of economic analysis.
Source: Kevin Albertson and Chris Fox, Crime and Economics: An introduction, Willan Publishing
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Sep
A report by a joint committee of MPs and peers said that exceptional stop-and-search powers for dealing with suspected terrorism should be amended to require prior judicial authorization of the power to stop and search without reasonable suspicion.
Source: The Terrorism Act 2000 (Remedial) Order 2011: Stop and Search without Reasonable Suspicion (Second Report), Seventeenth Report (Session 2010-12), HC 1483 and HL 192, Joint Select Committee on Human Rights, TSO
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Sep
The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 was given Royal assent. The Act provided for the creation of new directly elected police and crime commissioners from May 2012 with powers to set local policing priorities and hold chief constables to account. It also gave communities and local authorities greater control over alcohol licensing to tackle problem premises.
Source: Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, Home Office, TSO
Links: Act | Explanatory notes | Home Office press release
Date: 2011-Sep
A paper examined the system for vetting of employees. It proposed a shift of focus away from preventing employers from finding out about spent convictions, towards preventing them from being taken into account.
Source: Timothy Pitt-Payne, The Employment Vetting System: Have We Got It Right Yet?, Halsbury?s Law Exchange
Links: Paper | HLE press release
Date: 2011-Sep
A report examined ways in which public spaces could be planned and designed so as to limit the scope for crime and public order offences.
Source: Louise Clarke and Alan Gilbertson (eds.), Addressing Crime and Disorder in Public Places Through Planning and Design, Construction Industry Research and Information Association
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Sep
A paper said that local police services would feel the biggest effect from coalition government cuts to the policing budget in England and Wales. It cast doubt on claims by ministers that the cuts could be largely absorbed by 'back office' efficiency savings, with little impact on front-line services.
Source: Timothy Brain, Police Funding (England & Wales) 2011-12, Briefing Paper 1, Universities Police Science Institute (Cardiff University)
Links: Paper | Cardiff University press release | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2011-Aug
The police service inspectorate said that police forces in England and Wales had made a good start at identifying how they intended to make (or exceed) the savings required of them by 2014-15: but they would need to 'transform' their efficiency if they were to succeed in sustaining services while cutting costs.
Source: Adapting to Austerity: A review of police force and authority preparedness for the 2011/12-14/15 CSR period, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
Links: Report | Home Office press release | ACPO press release | Labour Party press release | Police Federation press release | Unite press release | BBC report | Guardian report | Public Finance report
Date: 2011-Jul
Researchers examined the outcome of pilots designed to find out how community safety partnerships across England and Wales could be engaged in tackling organized crime at the local level. All areas felt that the pilots had challenged traditional police-led ways of working on organized crime, and participants identified a range of potential benefits to working in partnership.
Source: Lauren van Staden, Samantha Leahy-Harland, and Eva Gottschalk, Tackling Organised Crime Through a Partnership Approach at the Local Level: A process evaluation, Research Report 56, Home Office
Date: 2011-Jul
The coalition government published a strategy for supporting the victims of human trafficking into the United Kingdom, and promoting better intelligence and enforcement.
Source: Human Trafficking: The Government s Strategy, Home Office
Links: Strategy | Hansard | Home Office press release | CARE press release | ECPAT press release | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2011-Jul
The coalition government published a strategy for tackling organized crime. It said that it would issue a new 'threat assessment' to inform the public of the threats from organized crime.
Source: Local to Global: Reducing the risk from organised crime, Home Office
Links: Strategy | Home Office press release
Date: 2011-Jul
Emergency legislation was introduced to reverse a High Court ruling on police bail: the ruling had said that the time spent by suspects on bail counts towards the maximum period of pre-charge detention.
Source: Police (Detention and Bail) Act 2011, Home Office, TSO
Links: Act | Explanatory notes | Hansard | Home Office press release | HOC research brief | JUSTICE briefing | BBC report | Law Gazette report
Date: 2011-Jul
A report examined recent evidence on the link between policing levels and crime rates. Higher policing levels appeared to be linked to lower levels of property crime. Evidence for an association between police numbers and violent crime was weaker.
Source: Ben Bradford, Police Numbers and Crime Rates: A rapid evidence review, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
Links: Report | BBC report | Guardian report | Public Finance report
Date: 2011-Jul
A report identified concerns over the actual and perceived effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, and independence of the Office of the Police Ombudsman in Northern Ireland.
Source: Human Rights and Dealing with Historic Cases: A review of the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, Committee on the Administration of Justice
Links: Report | CAJ press release | NIO statement
Date: 2011-Jun
An article examined young people s experiences of policing in Northern Ireland during the period of political transition, and the extensive reform of policing structures, since the Patten Report in 1999.
Source: Jonny Byrne and Neil Jarman, 'Ten years after Patten: young people and policing in Northern Ireland', Youth and Society, Volume 43 Number 2
Links: Abstract
>Date: 2011-Jun
The High Court ruled that suspects could be released on police bail for no more than 96 hours. The government reportedly said that it would consider whether to appeal against the ruling or introduce emergency legislation to overturn it.
Source: Manchester Police, R (On the Application of) v Hookway & Anor, High Court 19 May 2011
Links: Judgement | ACPO press release | Labour Party press release | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2011-Jun
The coalition government announced plans for the creation of a new National Crime Agency to fight serious and organized crime. The NCA would replace the existing Serious and Organized Crime Agency and the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre and would tackle drug and people smuggling, major gun crime, fraud, and money laundering.
Source: The National Crime Agency: A plan for the creation of a national crime-fighting capability, Cm 8097, Home Office, TSO
Links: Report | Home Office press release | Conservative Party press release | ACPO press release | Labour Party press release | Guardian report
Date: 2011-Jun
A joint inspectorate report said that the use by the police in England and Wales of 'out-of-court disposals' (such as cautions and on-the-spot fines) had grown 'largely uncontrolled', and that up to one-third might be used inappropriately.
Source: Exercising Discretion: The Gateway to Justice, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary/HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate
Links: Report | ACPO press release | Public Finance report
Date: 2011-Jun
An article examined centralized performance frameworks for the police in England and Wales. Setting performance targets for public confidence in the police based on single-indicator survey measures could have conceptual and practical difficulties. Local public attitudes surveys should be reconfigured to measure aspects of procedural fairness, police legitimacy, and public intentions to co-operate.
Source: Andy Myhill, Paul Quinton, Ben Bradford, Alexis Poole, and Gillian Sims, 'It depends what you mean by "confident": operationalizing measures of public confidence and the role of performance indicators', Policing, Volume 5 Number 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jun
A think-tank report said that the key to better policing in Scotland was to give every local authority area its own force – contrary to demands to integrate Scotland's 8 police forces into a single entity.
Source: Ben Thomson, Geoff Mawdsley, and Alison Payne, Striking the Balance, Reform Scotland
Links: Report | BBC report
Date: 2011-Jun
A report said that intergenerational working had a positive impact on participants' fear of crime and how safe they felt in their communities.
Source: What Works: How to improve community safety and reduce the fear of crime through intergenerational practice, Catch22
Links: Report | Catch22 press release
Date: 2011-Jun
A briefing paper examined the evolving landscape of policing (in the light of proposals set out in the coalition government's 2010 Green Paper), and how accountability principles would apply to it. It also examined publicly available data on police expenditure, and forces plans to deal with cuts in central grant funding.
Source: Accountability and Cost Reduction in the New Policing Landscape, National Audit Office
Links: Paper
Date: 2011-Jun
The government responded to a report by a committee of MPs on police finances in England and Wales. It said that a 20 per cent real-terms cut in core government funding for the police over the period 2011-12 to 2014-15 was 'challenging, but fair'.
Source: Police Finances, Cm 8093, Home Office, TSO
Links: Response
Notes: MPs report (February 2011)
Date: 2011-Jun
An audit report in Northern Ireland called for a greater emphasis on qualitative targets as a measure of police service performance.
Source: Continuous Improvement Arrangements in the Northern Ireland Policing Board, Northern Ireland Audit Office, TSO
Links: Report | NIAO press release
Date: 2011-May
A report examined children s attitudes to the police, together with their experience of bullying, crime prevention behaviours, hanging around in public spaces, and access to leisure activities.
Source: Jacqueline Hoare et al., Children's Experience and Attitudes Towards the Police, Personal Safety and Public Spaces: Findings from the 2009/10 British Crime Survey interviews with children aged 10 to 15, Statistical Bulletin 08/11, Home Office
Links: Bulletin | Home Office press release | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2011-May
An article examined performance indicators for the policing of organized crime. A new performance management framework was proposed that was more sensitive than traditional measures to harm reduction.
Source: Simon Mackenzie and Niall Hamilton-Smith, 'Measuring police impact on organised crime: performance management and harm reduction', Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, Volume 34 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Apr
The report was published of an independent review (led by Peter Neyroud) of leadership and training in the police in England and Wales. It said that recruits to the police should have to pass initial qualifications before training to become an officer, and that police forces should get a new chartered institute responsible for maintaining standards. The government began consultation on the review recommendations.
Source: Peter Neyroud, Review of Police Leadership and Training, Home Office
Links: Review report | Hansard | Home Office press release | Consultation document | ACPO press release | APA press release | Police Federation press release | Guardian report | People Management report
Date: 2011-Apr
Researchers examined the effects of 'Prevent' (counter-terrorism) policing since its inception in 2003. Mainstream Muslim community views of the police had remained stable, and relatively positive.
Source: Martin Innes, Colin Roberts, and Helen Innes with Trudy Lowe and Suraj Lakhani, Assessing the Effects of Prevent Policing, Association of Chief Police Officers
Links: Report | ACPO press release | Cardiff University press release
Date: 2011-Apr
The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill was given a third reading. The Bill provided for the creation of new directly elected police and crime commissioners from May 2012 with powers to set local policing priorities and hold chief constables to account; and proposed giving communities and local authorities greater control over alcohol licensing to tackle problem premises. It also removed a legal requirement on the government to appoint at least six scientists to the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs.
Source: Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill, Home Office, TSO | Debate 31 March 2011, columns 552-637, House of Commons Hansard, TSO
Links: Bill | Explanatory notes | Hansard
Date: 2011-Mar
The government responded to a report by a committee of MPs (published under the former Labour government) on crime prevention. It said that its overall intention was to 'empower' communities and give greater discretion to local service providers to find solutions to the problems that they faced.
Source: The Government's Approach to Crime Prevention: Government Response to the Tenth Report from the Committee, Session 2009-10, Third Special Report (Session 2010-11), HC 701, House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, TSO
Links: Response
Notes: MPs report (March 2010)
Date: 2011-Mar
The police service inspectorate proposed a working definition of the police 'front line'. It said that the front line comprised those who were in everyday contact with the public and who directly intervened to keep people safe and enforce the law. Based on that definition, the front line amounted to around two-thirds of the police workforce across England and Wales.
Source: Demanding Times: The front line and police visibility, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
Links: Report | HMIC press release | Home Office press release | ACPO press release | CBI press release | Police Federation press release | UNISON press release | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2011-Mar
A think-tank report examined the impact of several factors determining crime rates in England and Wales between 1992 and 2008. The most robust and powerful factors determining criminal behaviour were found to be police detection rates.
Source: Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, An Analysis of Crime and Crime Policy, Civitas
Links: Report | Civitas press release
Date: 2011-Mar
A study examined the views of local residents in England and Wales on measures to increase public confidence in the ability of the police and local councils to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.
Source: Michelle Charlton, Sarah Morton, and Ipsos MORI, Exploring Public Confidence in the Police and Local Councils in Tackling Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour, Research Report 50, Home Office
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Mar
The government published a policy statement on crime prevention, and on the role of the police. It said that it planned to restore the independence of the police, to allow them to use their discretion and professional judgement.
Source: A New Approach to Fighting Crime, Home Office
Links: Report | Home Office press release | Speech | ACPO press release | APA press release | Labour Party press release | Police Federation press release
Date: 2011-Mar
An article said that the extensive protection in law for the police against liability for a negligent failure to prevent crime lacked coherence in its application to policing situations, was based on flawed reasoning, and purported to protect a public interest that was already sufficiently protected by other means.
Source: Dermot Walsh, 'Police liability for a negligent failure to prevent crime: enhancing accountability by clearing the public policy fog', King's Law Journal, Volume 22 Number 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Mar
A report examined the evidence base on the effectiveness of partnership working in a crime and disorder context. The findings from the studies reviewed were 'mixed': but, on balance, the evidence suggested that the principle of applying effective partnership working as a component of initiatives to tackle complex crime problems was effective.
Source: Geoff Berry, Peter Briggs, Rosie Erol, and Lauren van Staden, The Effectiveness of Partnership Working in a Crime and Disorder Context: A rapid evidence assessment, Research Report 52, Home Office
Date: 2011-Mar
An independent review recommended the abolition of a series of allowances and special payments to police officers in England and Wales. It said that the savings would amount to £485 million over three years – allowing reinvestment in the 'most important police jobs', and reducing the number of posts that would otherwise be lost as a result of departmental spending cuts.
Source: Thomas Winsor, Independent Review of Police Officer and Staff Remuneration and Conditions, Cm 8024, Home Office, TSO
Links: Report | Review press release | Hansard | Home Office press release | ACPO press release | APA press release | Police Federation press release | BBC report | Guardian report | Telegraph report
Date: 2011-Mar
The government responded to a report by a committee of MPs on its proposals for elected police and crime commissioners. It said that the plan would give the public a much needed say over the policing of their own communities, and make forces properly accountable to the communities they serve.
Source: Policing: Police and Crime Commissioners: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report, Seventh Special Report (Session 2010-11), HC 862, House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, TSO
Links: Response
Notes: MPs report (December 2010)
Date: 2011-Mar
A study examined the impact of crime maps and policing information. The public's reaction to information about crime and policing was positive. Information was found to improve people's perceptions of their neighbourhood and of the local police. Making information available to the public was therefore worthwhile, particularly when integrated within a broader neighbourhood policing approach.
Source: Paul Quinton, The Impact of Information About Crime and Policing on Public Perceptions, National Policing Improvement Agency
Links: Report | NPIA press release
Date: 2011-Feb
A report examined video surveillance in European cities, and set out a framework for reconciling security considerations with the need to protect personal privacy.
Source: Roxana Calfa, Sebastian Sperber, and Nathalie Bourgeois (eds.), Citizens, Cities and Video Surveillance: Towards a democratic and responsible use of CCTV, European Forum for Urban Security
Date: 2011-Feb
The Protection of Freedoms Bill was published. The Bill was designed to end 'unwarranted state intrusion' into private lives. Measures included:
An end to routine monitoring under a radically reformed vetting and barring scheme for people working with children and vulnerable adults (following a review).
The scrapping of 'Section 44' powers, which had been used to stop and search innocent people.
The permanent reduction of the maximum period of pre-charge detention for terrorist suspects to 14 days.
DNA samples and fingerprints of innocent people to be deleted from police databases (following a review).
The removal of out-of-date convictions for consensual acts by gay men.
Householders to be protected from local authority enquiries in relation to (for example) school catchment areas.
An end to the fingerprinting of children in schools without parental consent.
Source: Protection of Freedoms Bill, Home Office, TSO | Vetting & Barring Scheme Remodelling Review: Report and Recommendations, Home Office/Department of Health/Department for Education | Sunita Mason (Independent Advisor for Criminality Information Management), A Common Sense Approach: A review of the criminal records regime in England and Wales, Home Office
Links: Bill | Explanatory notes | Vetting and Barring review | Home Office press release | DE press release | Liberal Democrats press release | ATL press release | BHA press release | Information Commissioner press release | LGF press release | Manifesto Club press release | NAHT press release | Nuffield Council on Bioethics press release | Privacy International press release | REC press release | Scout Association press release | Stonewall press release | TUC press release | UNISON press release | Volunteering England press release | Personnel Today report | Children & Young People Now report | Community Care report | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2011-Feb
The Scottish Government began consultation on options for reform of the police service structure in Scotland, including a regional model with fewer police forces.
Source: A Consultation on the Future of Policing in Scotland, Scottish Government
Links: Consultation document | Scottish Government press release | BBC report
Date: 2011-Feb
A report by a committee of MPs said that proposed cuts in funding would have a 'significant impact' on the police service in England and Wales – with significantly fewer police officers, police community support officers, and police staff.
Source: Police Finances, Sixth Report (Session 2010-11), HC 695, House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, TSO
Links: Report | APA press release | Labour Party press release | Telegraph report
Date: 2011-Feb
A report by a committee of the National Assembly for Wales said that the Welsh Government should seek to obtain a deferral in Wales of those aspects of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill relating to the abolition of police authorities, and the establishment of police commissioners and police crime panels – at least until the effectiveness of their impact in England had been assessed.
Source: The Potential Impact of the UK Government s Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill for Community Safety in Wales, Communities and Culture Committee, National Assembly for Wales
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Feb
An article examined trends in public trust and confidence in the police service, using data from the British Crime Survey.
Source: Ben Bradford, 'Convergence, not divergence? Trends and trajectories in public contact and confidence in the police', British Journal of Criminology, Volume 51 Number 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jan